Podcast Me Anything is going to be the AMA for all things podcasting. Hosted by Mathew Passy, ThePodcastConsultant.com, Causepods.org, and AuditMyPodcast.com; and Tom Kelly of CleanCutAudio.com and ReminiscentPodcast.com, this show features two professionals with a combined nearly 25 years worth of experience in the podcasting space. Join us each week as week as we tackle the basic and advanced issues of podcasting, latest news, and interviews with other industry leaders.
And if you’re seeing this before March 6th, come be a guest on Podcast Me Anything during Podfest Multimedia Expo. Sign up for your time slot to ask us anything.
Thanks for listening.
Mentioned in this episode:
In Support of Podvoices.help June 2022 Campaign
****The pre-roll you heard is in support of https://www.podvoices.help/. The opinions expressed in this ad are solely the opinions of Mathew Passy and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of co-hosts or guests that may appear on this show. If links mentioned in the ad do not appear in these shownotes, please visit podvoices.help***